May 27, 2018

Configuration of SITRANS P300 in SIMATIC Manager

It is a pressure measuring Instrument which is generally use for Absolute pressure measurement.
It can measure with accuracy ≤ 0.075%
It can work within limit of 1.3 bar pressure.
Silicon oil is used in Fluid filling in case in use of food industry edible oil is used because silicon is hazardous to human health.


First of all the mounting of instrument is done as per requirement.
When the pressure is applied in the valve of the instrument pressure is applied on Diaphragm so that it bends and piezoelectric plate is mounted on it.
When the piezoelectric plate bends the resistance is decrease in it so that when electric signal transmit on it difference can be shown on display that is measured pressure.
The readings in different units can be found using this instrument.
We can connect the equipment to the computer using PC/PD coupler and CP5711 via Profibus PA and Profibus PD can be analyzed on Simatic PDM. 

Schematic Diagram:

Configuration Steps:
Connect SITRANS P 300 to PC via Profibus and PC\PD Coupler.
Set the parameters of SITRANS P 300 using Mode button
File > New Project
View > Process Device Network View
Options > Set PG\PC interface [Select CP5711 Profibus 1<active>]
Project > Insert new object > Networks
Networks> Insert new object > Communication network > assign device type <Profibus network>
In profibus network Give the address of instrument i.e. 1-126 any number and assign instrument SITRANS P300
Open device > Open Project <upload \download to PG\PC>
Observe the result in process variable.

Proper Commissioning of Device leads to accurate pressure measurement.
Position and Place of mounting is should be proper to get accurate output.
For Safety of the plant and workers this instrument is necessary.
We can conclude that by using this instrument we can maintain the pressure by setting higher and lower limit in equipment such as boiler, pressure vessel etc. and proper safety measures can be achieved.

                                                                                                                 By Kartik Pandav

May 19, 2018

Latching Cercuit (Controlling The motor by pressing Start Stop Button)

Latching Cercuit (Controlling The motor by pressing Start Stop Button)

Press Start button and Motor will be on.

The action can be Practised by the Latching Cercuit which keeps the motor in running condition even if the start button is not Pressed. 

When Stop Button will be Pressed then Motor will be off.

Program:- Write the ladder Logic for Above application.
Input List:
Output List:
Motor -Q0.0


AND & OR Gate Opertion in Ladder language

AND & OR Gate Opertion in Ladder language

Here we have 4 switches and two lamps and we will do two diffrents tasks

1.Connect SW 1 and & SW 2 in series Connection and turn on the lamp 1
in this case we have to turn on both switch

2.Connect SW 3& SW 4 in Parallel Connection and turn on Lamp
in this connection we need to turn on either SW3 or SW4 to turn on the Lamp 2. 

 Program:- Write the ladder Logic for Above application.

Input List:
SW4 -I0.3

Output List:
 Lamp 1 -Q0.0 
 Lamp 2 -Q0.1