October 14, 2022

Making application to move block from the magazine feeder to conveyor using pneumatic system.

Making application to move block from the magazine feeder to conveyor using pneumatic system.

Problem Description: - There is one conveyor system. Single acting cylinder should start if user press bush button and block should move form magazine feeder to conveyor system for next process. 

Problem Diagram: -

Solution: -

Here we can consider single acting cylinder, take one spring return bush button to operate singly acting cylinder. Push button will work as 3/2 bush button valve. If bush button is pressed, cylinder will operate and move the block and if it is released, cylinder will back to its original position. 

Pneumatic circuit: - 

Pneumatic circuit explanation: -

Here we can see in the figure single acting cylinder with spring return. It can push block when required and it can come back with spring force if bush button released. Connect pneumatic pipe from A to cylinder in as shown in figure.

We took 3/2 bush button so in normal condition air will pass from A to R as shown in figure, so cylinder is in normal condition. If we press push button, air will pass from P to A so cylinder will move. Connect Main air line in Port P of the 3/2 push button.

If we release push button air will not pass from P to A so due to spring force it will come back.