August 29, 2020

Explain 4:1 Multiplexer using an example.

Explain 4:1 Multiplexer using an example.

Application:-Make the 4:1 multiplexer. Write the PLC program for 4:1 multiplexer using ladder diagram language.



As shown in the above diagram we can see 4:1 multiplexer. S0 and S1 are the selection input for the multiplexer. So according to selection and input status output will be generated.

We can understand this concept simplified Boolean equation

Y = (S1=1 AND S0=1 AND I3=1) OR (S0=0 AND S1=1 AND I2=1) OR (S1=0AND S0=1 AND I1=1) OR (S0=0 AND S1=0 AND I1=1).

PLC program:-

Write the ladder program for 4:1 multiplexer instruction using ladder diagram language. Here for ladder logic, we can use any supported PLC system like S7-1200, S7-1500 or any other PLC which can support this instruction. In our application, we have used S7-1200 PLC for reference.

Digital Inputs:-

Selection switch 0:-I0.0

Selection switch 1:-I0.1

Input 1:-I1.1

Input 2:-I1.2

Input 3:-I1.3

Input 4:-I1.4

Digital Outputs:-

Output 1:-Q1.0

Network 1:- 4:1 Multiplexer ladder diagram

PLC program Explanation:-

In above network S1and S0 are the selection inputs.

When S1 and S0 are high or 1 and I4 is 1, output Q1.0 will be high.

When S0 is off and S1 is selected and I3 is on, output Q1.0 will be high.

When S1 is off and S0 is selected and I2 is on, output Q1.0 will be high.

When S0 is off and S1 is off and I1 is on, output Q1.0 will be high.


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