October 30, 2018

Outputs examples for the PLC

Outputs examples for the PLC
Motor Starters
Control Relays
Horns & Alarms
Stack Lights

October 26, 2018

Power supply for the PLC

Power supply for the PLC

A power supply is needed to provide power to the PLC and any other
Modules in the panel.

Power supplies come in various forms:
Power supply
External power supply
Standalone power supply

October 19, 2018

List of items required when working with PLC.

List of items required when working with PLC.

Programming device (laptops or PC).

PLC software .PLC manufactures have their own software for programming.
Communication cable

Back up copy of the ladder program.

Documentation (ladder program, operation manuals etc. and drawing.

PLC advantages and disadvantages

PLC advantages.

It can handle much more instructions.
Less and simple wiring
More flexibility.
Lower cost
Faster response
Easier troubleshoot
Remote control capability.
Communication capability.

PLC disadvantages.
Most PLCs makers supply solely closed architectures for his or her product.

PLC were designed for relay logic.
To maximize PLC performance and adaptability, variety of elective Modules should be other

October 1, 2018

Two Way Switch Logic

PLC Program for Two Way Switch Logic

Two ways light logic often used in staircase.Learn how to write PLC program for this light control logic in home or building.

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Motor forward and revese control logic using PLC

Motor forward and reverse control logic using PLC.

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Sequential Motor Control

Sequential Motor Control

Sequencial logic is used for motors and valves.Learn how to write sequecial logic in PLC for this application.

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Automatic Bottle Rejection System

PLC Program for Automatic Bottle Rejection System

Bottle rejection system is used in idustries for not filled bottle.Learn how to write PLC program for this application.

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PLC Timer Programming

PLC Timer Programming

Discuss about PLC Timer Programming Examples : Different PLC Timers are TON, TOF, TP and TONR. PLC Timer Instructions and PLC Timer logic examples.

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Daily Production Record

PLC Program for Daily Production Record

Write the PLC program for the daily production record using ladder diagram language.

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